
20 x 20

20 x 20

  • 20 X 20 Booth, Perfect Condition 20 X 20 Booth, Perfect Condition

    20 X 20 Booth, Perfect Condition

    Large booth for 20 X 20 area. Perfect condition. Only used 2-3 times. We paid $120,000 for this brand new. All custom built, highest grade materials. The entire booth is in crates, inside a storage trailer. The storage trailer can be transported...
  • Very nice 20x20 booth only used 4 times

    Very nice 20x20 booth only used 4 times

    Very nice used trade show booth used approximately 4 times between 2014 and present.  Company sold the building products portion of the business and no longer have the need.  Comes with many smaller sections to hold glass or other items for...